The area of labor law is characterised by numerous legal amendments and reform plans as well as by the rapidly developing and growing body of prededent law.

We have the necessary experience in the field  of individual, as well as of collective, labor law. We can advise our clients on issues that may arise when negotiating and structuring employment terms.

If necessary, we can also represent our clients in labor courts.

Our services in collective-labor law comprise, for example, negotiating internal company contracts, assisting in arranging for a settlement of interest plan and supporting negotiations with workers’ councils on social plans or company agreements.

We also provide competent and reliable advice to our clients on all issues related to labor law during the implementation of structural changes within a company and in the case of a company acquisition.

Primary Advisory Areas:

  • Individual employment contracts
  • Employment/service contracts for legal representatives of companies
  • Restructuring of business
  • Transfer of business
  • Collective bargaining law
  • Labor law litigation

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