We offer broad support to corporations and partnerships – especially medium-sized companies – both in matters of corporate law and general commercial law. We also have broad expertise in providing extensive support to buyers and sellers in transactions and restructurings of companies – irrespective of whether they are registered in Germany or abroad – as well as in advising shareholders and directors. Through our membership in one of the leading networks of independant law firms, we can rely on the support of distinguished experts in all jurisdictions of the globe.

With respect to company transactions, we advise and assist our domestic and foreign clients in all phases of the transaction ranging from the necessary due diligence to closing. Planning, implementation and financing of successions in owner-managed companies represent a particular focus of our expertise in this practise area.

Shareholders and directors appreciate the advice we provide on a great number of subjects, including, inter alia, the drafting and amendment of company agreements, the conduct of general shareholders’ meetings, the conclusion and termination of CEO employment agreements and the settlement of disputes with shareholders in as well as out of court.

We also provide extensive support to the increasingly important non-profit organizations (for example, associations, non-profit limited liability companies, public limited companies or their bodies) in all legal matters, ranging from the establishment to the provision of ongoing advice.

Primary Advisory Areas

  • Corporate law
  • Business partnership law
  • Acquisition of businesses (M&A)
  • Management-Buy-Out / Management-Buy-In
  • Contracting
  • Service/employment contracts with legal representatives of the companies
  • Litigation in all areas of company law
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Due Diligence

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