We advise our clients with respect to the structuring, execution and termination of all kinds of distribution contracts, in particular of authorized dealer and sales agency agreements. In this practice, we can conduct contract negotiations in English, French, Spanish or Polish. For all larger – including international – distribution structures, we draft the relevant contracts.

We have a strong focus on transnational settings and advise a great number of clients from abroad on all aspects of German commercial and distribution law. Our German clients can obtain advice on the specifics of foreign jurisdictions, particularly for France and Poland.

Moreover, through our membership in one of the largest international networks of independent law firms in the world, we have access to the expertise of highly qualified and experienced colleagues in all countries that may be relevant to German businesses.

In addition, we represent clients in commercial and distribution law disputes before the courts in all parts of Germany.

Primary Advisory Areas:

  • National and international sale of goods
  • Appointed dealerships
  • Sales agents and agencies
  • Franchiseverträge
  • Franchising
  • Consignment agreements
  • Centralized payment collection
  • Anti-cartel law and competition law
  • General contract terms
  • Consumer protection law
  • Litigation and arbitration
  • IT procurement contracts (in particular for individualized software)

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